
ラティハンに関係したいろいろな事の掲示板です。There are many varieties of bulletin boards related to Latihan.

スシラ ブディ ダルマ・はじめに・2


Looking at the original Sanskrit roots and their meanings we can see the connections with both Hindu and Buddhist principles:

Sila means virtue, good conduct, morality or ethical behaviour, and in Buddhism represents intentional action.

Budh means to know or to wake. In Buddhism, bodhi means enlightenment or awakening to the inner wisdom accessible to all, and the title Buddha simply refers to one who is awakened.

Dharma has a wider range of meanings. For example, in Hinduism it is defined as duty or the natural order of the universe, whereas in Buddhism it refers to the teachings of the Buddha.



The first word, Susila means to act humanely.

It describes someone with a soul, an inner feeling, that is human.

It describes someone who helps others, who cares for others, who works to put right a bad situation, who helps those who have less than they do;

someone who loves other human beings and who does not discriminate between one person or another, because everyone is one - they are all human beings.
誰もがひとつであるため、他の人間を愛し、誰かが、1人または別の間を区別しない - 彼らはすべての人間である。

And having that attitude, having that feeling, opens the way for such a person and makes it easier for him or her to get everything they need to live in this world.



Susila means good moral and ethical behaviour - our outer self;
Susilaはいい道徳的、倫理的な行動を意味 - 私たちの外側の自己;

Budhi refers to the atom of the Divine, or the ultimate power in the Universe, working in our inner self;

Dharma brings these two together,
through the practice of the spiritual latihan,
to create an integrated, harmonious whole human being.
ダルマは、これら二つをもたらし( 訳注:二つとはたぶんSusilaとBudhiのことと思われます)



The ancient Sanskrit language from which these words are taken belongs to the Hemitheandric Epoch, and has not been a spoken language for nearly three thousand years.

Nearly all the wisdom of the old Epochs has been lost, and we do not understand much of the symbolism of the Vedas and Brahmanas.

Yet the three words Susila?Budhi?Dharma convey a deep and vivid meaning as they are interpreted by Pak Subuh.
彼らはパ スブーによって解釈されるように、まだ3言葉Susila-Budhi-ダルマは深く、鮮やかな意味を伝える。

Susila means literally to have good morals.

Pak Subuh describes it as "Right living according to the Will of God."
パ スブーは「正しい神の意志に従って生きている。」としてそれを説明します。

The word Budhi has baffled the commentators.

Some understand by it the Power of the Intellect, others Consciousness, and others again explain it as the inner agent, or will of man.

Pak Subuh takes it to mean "The inner force or power that resides within the nature of man himself."
パ スブーは "人間自身の本質内にある内側の力やパワー。"というように、それを取る。

It is not the individuality or self-hood of man, nor even his soul, but rather the limitless potentiality for development and progress that is the true motive power in the spiritual life.

Few Sanskrit words have been so misused as Dharma.

In the motto of the Theosophical SocietyーNasti Satyat para Dharmoーit is translated as religion.
神智学協会 - Nasti SatyatパラをモットーにDharmo - それは宗教として変換されます。

It is often taken to mean law, or the world order.

Others again translate it as duty or even fate.

The Pali equivalent, Dhamma, occurs in one of the most ancient Buddhist scripturesーthe Dhammapadaーas the description of the way of life of the Bhikkhu or Buddhist mendicant priest.
パーリ語と同等、ダンマは、最も古い仏教の経典 - ダンマパダ-比丘や仏教の托鉢、司祭の生き方の記述のひとつとして記述されます。

Pak Subuh interprets Dharma to mean "Submission, surrender and sincerity in receiving the gift of Grace from the Almighty."
パ スブーはダルマを "服従、降伏と誠実さにより、全能からグレース(恵み)の贈り物を受け取ること。"と意味するように解釈します。

When the three words are combined, they denote the perfect harmony of the inner life (Budhi) and outer life (Susila) that is attained when our entire being is submitted to the Will of God as it is revealed to us through the highest centre of consciousness, seated not in the brain but in the soul.


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